Dinner in our house is most often an afterthought or a complete burden. I work from home and have Isla with me all day. Our nightly routine typically goes something like this...
5:30/6:00: Daddy's home! While he settles in, I'm usually feeding Isla leftovers from the night before
6:00: Daddy and Isla walk Gertie and then we all change into gym clothes
6:30: We walk to the gym and work out for 30-45 minutes while Isla tires herself out at the kid's club
7:45: Isla's bath time :) Victor typically gives her a bath while I round up a bottle, jammies, diaper, lotion, and her toothbrush
8:10: Bottle and face time with grandma
8:20: Isla's bedtime and our dinner time
Depending on the night of the week, I also have 1 to 2 hours of work calls and webinars to get through. Needless to say, dinners need to be planned, quick, and hassle free. Feel free to share any quick and semi-healthy go-to recipes in the comment section :)
Here's what is on the menu this week:
This weekend Isla finally gave daddy kisses. Grandma and I have been on the receiving end of quite a few kisses, but she is always denying daddy. He finally got a big 'ol open mouthed smooch from our little Islaboo.